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2024 Jolly Jamboree

Jolly Jamboree

Come celebrate the holiday season with the 61st Force Support Squadron! Guests can stroll the Candyland-themed walkaway for a special visit with Santa & Mrs. Claus, collect free toys for military families, and enjoy a selection of festive treats and refreshments. Registration is not required to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus or enjoy other activities at this event.

Event Sponsored By:
Arthur C. Kaiser, DDS
Tierra Vista Communities
Toys Donated By:

Operation HomeFront

Kiwanis of Torrance

Joseph’s Gifts

No Federal endorsement of donors and sponsors intended.

Although registration for toys is now closed, registration is not required to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus or enjoy other activities at this event. Registration was required to ensure we have enough toys available for all registered children. As we continue to receive and pick up toy donations this week, there might be an opportunity to register at the event if we determine we will have enough toys available. If you did not make the registration deadline, please come out and enjoy the event and check with the registration staff for availability of toys. This registration form will reopen on the day of the event if we can support giving out additional toys.

Volunteer Opportunity

Help us make this event a success! Register below if you would like to volunteer. Here’s how you can help.

  • Weekly Toy Pick-Up:
    December 1-6, and 8-9
    Volunteers are needed to assist in picking up toys from stores and dropping off at the Fort MacArthur Community Center.
  • Set-Up:
    December 12 & 13
    Shift 1: 9 am – 11 am
    Shift 2: 1 pm – 4 pm
  • Toy Distribution & Clean-Up:
    December 14, 10 am – 3 pm (Day of event)
Community Center
Fort MacArthur, Bldg. 403
210 W. 29th St.
San Pedro, CA 90731
Visit our event calendar page for daily updates on FSS programming.

The event is finished.


Dec 14 2024


11:00 AM - 2:00 PM


On Schedule


Community Center
Community Center
210 W 29th St, (Bldg. 403) San Pedro, CA 90731
(310) 653-8341