TRX is an exciting exercise program that utilizes suspension training which is scalable to all ability levels within a fun and safe environment. Using your own body weight and gravity, the TX suspension system offers hundreds of fun and challenging exercises and can be used for strength, mobility, and joint stability. It’s for people at all fitness levels This small group TX Suspension session will cover the basic movement patterns (Leg, Push, Pull, Hinge, Core) associated in every workout while also having fun.
Focus will be given to setting up the TX correctly, understanding the progressions and regressions associated with each movement so that each person can determine how hard they work simply by changing the angle of the body and by the intensity brought to the movement.
LEVEL: Beginner September 12, 19, 26 — October 3, 10, 17, at 7:00 am in the Gym/Rig outdoors.
POC. John Hofman 310-653-6771