ID Card Appointments and Walk-In Hours
Appointment calendar will have appointments available for up to 60 days out. Walk-ins encouraged for mission critical needs, during our hours of operation. Note: *Walk-in customers are subject to wait* Appointments will take priority.
If you have a missing EPR/OPR, please contact us at 61fss.a1wpm@us.af.mil All other questions/concerns, please reach out to your CSS. Any EPR/OPR that is wanting to be changed/removed from your records must go through the ERAB (Evaluation reports appeal board) through vMPF.If you have a missing/erroneous Award and/or Decoration, please contact your CSS so they may update it. For questions/concerns, contact Force Management at 61fss.a1wpm@us.af.mil.
Any changes to SDAP (Start, Change, Stop) or to update/correct your Duty Information (Rater changes, PAFSC, DAFSC, CAFSC, SEI, Duty title), please contact your CSS for update/correction or initiate an AF 2096. For questions/concerns, contact Force Management at 61fss.a1wpm@us.af.mil.
ONLY personnel due to PCS or going TDY Overseas that need official passports can contact the Passport Agent. Personal/Tourist passports are NOT processed through this office. Please visit your local USPS branch. To set up an appointment, contact 61fss.fsmp.passports@us.af.mil also provide a copy of travel orders for review.
Please forward any request for G-Series Orders, Duty Status Updates, and Adverse Actions to org box 61fss.fsmp.passports@us.af.mil in subject line please put (ATTN: NCOIC)
- Appointment
- https://host.tablesready.com/p/book/add/61fsscs
- The appointment calendar will have appointments available for up to 60 days out. The calendar will remain open until all appointments are booked. Walk-ins are encouraged for mission critical needs, walk-in wait times may vary due to pre-scheduled appointments.
- Dependents FAQ
- Adding Dependent: In person and online options available for enrollment (Newborn requires Original Birth certificate and SSN Card/Marriage requires Marriage Certificate & two forms of ID).
- DD FORM 1172-2 Application for ID Card/Deers Enrollment: Is required to enroll/renew a Service Member’s Dependents ID Card. The DD Form 1172-2 can be signed at a DEERS office by the sponsor, or it can be digitally signed using a CAC. If the sponsor cannot be present during your visit to DEERS the DD FORM 1172-2 must be Wet Signed + Notarized prior to your visit. *ADD CHECKLIST FOR WEBSITE.
- Full Time Student Age 21 to 23: the parents’ marriage certificate; the child’s birth certificate, or Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (VAP) (see Rule 18e, (1) and (2) for acceptable documents), a letter from the school registrar certifying enrollment in a full-time course of study leading to an associate degree or higher, and anticipated graduation date. Note: Most colleges and universities contract with third parties, National Student Clearinghouse, to verify student enrollment.
- School Breaks (includes Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, or Mid-Term): Students who were enrolled as a full-time student for the semester or session immediately before the break may be eligible for an ID card during break if they are accepted or enrolled immediately after the break.
- Online Dependent Enrollments: In person and online options available for enrollment (Newborn requires Original Birth certificate and SSN Card/Marriage requires Marriage Certificate & two forms of ID) *Online option* requires member to scan and email docs to org. box: 61fss.a1wps@us.af.mil
- Children Id’s: Children who are age 10 or turning 10, RAPIDS sites are authorized to issue ID cards as found in AFI 36-3026, Volume 1, pages 85-86, paragraph 4.4 and Table 4.3.
- Permanent Incapacitated Child: Members with children who are permanently incapacitated prior to age 21 are encouraged to apply for continuation of DEERS services prior to their child turning age 21. At age 21, DEERS eligibility for medical care ends.
- according to the law, Title 10, Chapter 55, Section 1072. The application process begins with Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis and members can apply online at Total Force Service Center 1-800-525-0102 for information. https://www.dfas.mil/MilitaryMembers/SecondaryDependency/secondarydependency_AirForce/claims_packages_AirForce/
- Secondary Dependency: Parents, Parents-In-Law and Step Parents: Apply on DFAS website, For assistance, contact the Total Force Service Center at 1-800-525-0102.
- Power of Attorney: A valid general or special power of attorney is acceptable when sponsor is not present to sign for a family member’s DEERS enrollment, ID card application, or ID card issuance. Contact your local legal office to determine validity of document if needed (see Attachment 3, A3.5.2.).
- Promotions/Frolicking: Plan ahead and make an appointment.
- Lost/Stolen Card: If you need a new CAC because your card was lost, stolen, confiscated, or destroyed, you will be required to provide (2) valid (unexpired) State or Federal Government-issued picture ID, and documentation from the local security office or the a missing/lost ID statement, that is signed by the Sponsor’s supervisor.
- Military members serving: Active duty, National Guard (includes Air National Guard), and Reserve must be in grooming standards for photo purposes. Members do not need to be in uniformed and are authorized to wear civilian clothing. Refer to AFI 36-3026, Vol 1, paragraph 11.7.3 and AFI 36-3026, Vol 2, paragraph 5.10.
- Civilian/Contractors
- Civilian new Hires must have SF-50 from HR. Contractors must have TASS Manager Approval before getting a new Common Access Card (CAC). If the Civilian or Contractor’s DEERS profile is not updated; DEERS will not be able to issue a CAC.
- Can a person have two email addresses? Yes, and the additional email address is added by the member using the MilConnect: https://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect/
- Note: Although MilConnect allows adding a new email address, the original email address will continue in the background of the member’s network account. Questions concerning email network accounts and provisioning are refer to the local Communication Focal Point (CFP) or DoD/Service Agency IT network helpdesk.
- Civilians and Contractors can renew their CAC 90 days out. Be proactive & make an appointment (Must have two forms of ID’s that are Unexpired with Photo e.g. Driver’s License and Social Security Card).
- Lost/Stolen Card: If you need a new CAC because your card was lost, stolen, confiscated, or destroyed, you will be required to provide (2) valid (unexpired) State or Federal Government-issued picture ID, and documentation from the local security office or the a missing/lost ID statement, that is signed by the Sponsor’s supervisor.
- Disabled American Veterans
- To obtain an ID you will need100% VA rating letter (should reflect effective date), Finalized copy of DD214, 1 Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, State ID), 1 Secondary ID (Passport, SSN Card, Birth Cert, Voter’s Registration Card, State ID with Photo).
- DD-214 must state Honorable Discharge.
- Military Retiree vs 100% DAV – Which USID Card is Issued? Members who are retired from the uniformed Services, the retired benefits in DEERS prevails and the USID card issued reflecting the retirement also prevails. This means the retired USID card takes precedence over a veteran’s installation access to shop at the commissary, exchange, and Morale, Welfare & Recreation (MWR). Members who are not retired and awarded compensation from the Department of Veteran Affairs as 100% Disabled American Veteran (DAV), then, the USID card is available from the DEERS program.
- Note: Should an occurrence between the retired USID and 100% DAV USID card are issued from the DEERS program, this action impacts the retiree and their dependent family members for TRICARE medical or pharmacy access. In addition, the 100% DAV may encounter problems accessing CHAMPVA medical benefits if the member is retired and eligible to TRICARE.
- Retirees/Reserve Retiree
- Active Duty Retirees: Two forms of ID, Old CAC, DD-214 (Copy 4), Retirement orders.
- 65 and older: To update your expired Retirement card you will require, retirement ID, driver’s license and Medicare card.
- Reserve Retiree (60 or Older): Two forms of ID, 20-year letter.
- Base In-processing
- When arriving to LA Air Force Base, all in-processing members must report to their unit CSS with a copy of PCS orders.
- General FAQ’s
- My sponsor is on deployment/TDY. How do I obtain a new ID if he/she is not present? If your Military Sponsor is unable to accompany you to your visit, a valid “General” or “Special” Power of Attorney will allow you to conduct business on your sponsor’s behalf. You may also provide a signed & notarized DD Form 1172.
- Once the DD Form 1172-2 is signed, how long is it good for? The DD Form 1172-2: Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card/DEERS Enrollment is good for up to 90-days.
- Why do I need two forms of ID? To make an ID card, the Department of Defense RAPIDS system requires the Verifying Official to SCAN two forms of government-issued ID into the record repository. The documents cannot be expired or canceled. If the two documents bear different names, evidence of a formal name change must be provided. Documents must be original, or official certified copies.
- Are there any other DEERS locations in the local area? Yes, you can locate a DEERS station closer to your residence by visiting https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/rsl/appj/site?execution=e3s1
- What do I do if I lose my ID and need to be issued a replacement? Lost/Stolen/Misplaced Documents Required A police report from local/Military Police stating lost Federal ID or First Sergeant lost ID memorandum and two (2) forms of identification. One form of ID must be unexpired with photo. What if my ID expires prior to my ID appointment date? You will need to obtain a visitor’s pass. To obtain one, please print your ID card appointment confirmation and bring along with your driver’s license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to visitor center (310) 653-0546.
- Is there a pre-arrival check list that I can refer to online? Yes. For details, visit: http://www.cac.mil/Portals/53/Documents/required_docs.pdf.
- Can my parent be enrolled as a secondary dependent? YES, here’s how:
- You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, Service Members Birth Certificate & a valid Photo ID. A photo ID of the parent will need to be provided as well as the SSN.
- Secondary Dependent Parent in Law You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, Service Members SPOUSES Birth Certificate, Social Security Card & a valid Photo ID.
- Please note that all documents must be translated into English and certified.
- For more information, visit: https://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/SecondaryDependency/SDC.htm
- USCG San Pedro
- 1001 S. Seaside Ave.
- San Pedro, CA 90731
- 310-521-6184
- ANG Port Hueneme
- 100 Mulcahey Dr.
- Port Hueneme, CA 93041
- 805-986-7470
- Edwards AFB
- 5 Seller Ave.
- Edwards AFB, CA 93524
- 661-277-2276 (Lancaster/Palmdale)
- USN Norco
- 1999 Fourth Street
- Bldg. 502 Rm. 11
- Norco, CA 92860
- 951-393-4878
- March ARB
- 1351 Graeber Street
- Riverside, CA 92518
- 951-655-3028
- USMC Camp Pendleton
- 51093 Basilone Rd.
- Camp Pendleton, 92055
- 760-725-2106
- USMC Camp Pendleton
- Bldg. 201017 Marine Base
- Camp Pendleton, 92055
- 760-725-2768
- Fort Irwin
- Inner Loop & 1st St. Bldg. 106
- Fort Irwin, CA 92320 (Barstow)
- 760-380-3100
- (Appts. & Walk-Ins)
- USMC Miramar
- 2258 Mitscher Way
- San Diego, CA 92145
- 858-577-1421
- USN San Diego
- Bldg. 20300
- San Diego, CA 92131
- 858-537-80808
- USAF Los Angeles
- 1250 Federal Ave.
- Los Angeles, CA 90025
- 719-317-8829 (walk ins only)
- Los Alamitos
- 11200 Lexington Dr. Bldg. 244
- Los Alamitos, CA 90720
- 562-936-1796
- (Walk-ins only
- Mon – Fri 7:00 – 3:30)
- Appointment
Customers can still view a wide variety of information on myPers. Eventually these links will migrate to myFSS.
- Assignment Process both Officer/Enlisted
- Assignment RIP received by Career Development
- RIP reviewed and forwarded to member along with the following:
- Required Personnel Processing Codes (PPC)
- Required links to websites
- LA AFB Relocaton Guide
- yOP checklist in yMPE
- Instructions on setting up Final Out Appointment
- Voluntary Assignment Applications
- Home Basing and Folow-on applications are reviewed each month
- Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program applications are reviewed each quarter.
- First-term Airmen Base of Preference applications are reviewed each month.
- Career Airmen Base of Preference Program is suspended effective 1 June 2022.
- Approvals/disapprovals may be released to individual applicants any time after the program processing date or may be held in a pending status for multiple months before approval/disapproval.
- To view assignment schedules on myPers, navigate to:
- myfss.us.af.mil/USAFCommunity/s/login/, Active Duty AF Officer or AF Enlisted, Assignment, Report No Later Than Date Change Request link, RNLTD Change Request Application link.
- To request an RNLTD change (Officers and Enlisted), navigate to:
- myfss.us.af.mil/USAFCommunity/s/login/, Active Duty AF Officer or AF Enlisted, Assignment, Report No Later Than Date Change Request link, RNLTD Change Request Application link.
- First term airman can reject an assignment one time only.
- Member must attain the required retainability for assignment
- Please contact Career Development section in MPF.
- Career Airman cannot reject assignment if they have retainability
- Will incur a 2 year ADSC for most PCS, some may require 3 years or 12 months
- Monthly Increments Roster
- Quarterly BTZ Roster: Click here to see eligibility chart.
- Periodic Airmen Roster
- Stripes for Exceptional Performers (STEP)
- Reenlistments
- Click here for worksheet
- AF Form 901: MPS completes and sends to unit for signatures.
- DD Form 4: MPS completes and sends to reenlistee.
- NOTE: Enlisted personnel with 12 or more years of Active service will reenlist under the NCO Career Status Program and have an indefinite DOS after reenlistment. For information on this program, click here.
- NOTE: First-term airmen must have a Career Job Reservation in order to reenlist.
- Extensions
- Click here for worksheet
- AF Form 1411: Requires commander/director signature.
- Assignment Process both Officer/Enlisted
- Assignment RIP received by Career Development
- RIP reviewed and forwarded to member along with the following:
- Required Personnel Processing Codes (PPC)
- Required links to websites
- LA AFB Relocaton Guide
- yOP checklist in yMPE
- Instructions on setting up Final Out Appointment
- Voluntary Assignment Applications
- Home Basing and Follow-on applications are reviewed each month.
- Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program applications are reviewed each quarter.
- First-term Airmen Base of Preference applications are reviewed each month.
- Career Airmen Base of Preference Program is suspended effective 1 June 2022.
- Approvals/disapprovals may be released to individual applicants any time after the program processing date or may be held in a pending status for multiple months before approval/disapproval.
- To view assignment schedules on myPers, navigate to:
- mypers.af.mil/app/home, Active Duty AF Enlisted, Assignment, Base of Preference Program, Enlisted Voluntary Assignment Application Schedule.
- To request an RNLTD change (Officers and Enlisted), navigate to:
- mypers.af.mil/app/home, Active Duty AF Officer or AF Enlisted, Assignment, Report No Later Than Date Change Request link, RNLTD Change Request Application link.
- First term airman can reject an assignment one time only
- Member must attain the required retainability for assignment
- Please contact Career Development section in MPF
- Career Airman cannot reject assignment if they have retainability
- Officer
- Will incur a 2 year ADSC for most PCS, some may require 3 years or 12 months
- Assignment Process both Officer/Enlisted
For any missing/incorrect deployment information, deployment-related concerns (to include out-processing for a deployment or in-processing upon return from your deployment), contact your UDM or 61fss.a1wpx@us.af.mil or call (310) 653-5192.
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri – 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Building 272, Room: C2-331Closed: Weekends, Training days (every 1st Thu of the month), SSC Family Days, & Holidays