What is an exceptional family member?
An exceptional family member is a family member (child or adult) with a physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual disability that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training or counseling.
The M&FRC provides the family support component to the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The M&FRC at Los Angeles Air Force Base has an EFMP-FS Coordinator on staff to assist families in finding the resources they need while stationed at Los Angeles Air Force Base. This program provides information and referral, advocacy and many other services not limited to those listed on this brochure.
Information discussed with the Coordinator is confidential and cannot be released without your permission.
You will find the medical component to this program at the Los Angeles Air Force Base Medical Clinic. This is where you will register your exceptional family member into EFMP (called Q-coding).To Top
In addition to EFMP enrollment and assignment coordination the clinic also offers TRICARE and ECHO enrollment and inquiries, case management and specialized health care assistance.
What are the benefits/purpose of enrollment in the program?
Enrollment allows assignment managers to consider the documented needs of exceptional family members. This assists the Air Force Personnel Center in assigning families to areas where the member’s special needs may be met. Each assignment will depend on a valid personnel requirement for the sponsor’s grade, specialty and tour eligibility.
Does enrollment have any impact on the sponsor’s career?
Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotions, schools or assignments. EFMP or any of the data used in the program is not made available to selection boards. EFMP enrollment does not guarantee assignment deletions, deferments or compassionate reassignments. All service member’s are still eligible for worldwide assignments. EFMP enrollment will not guarantee that a sponsor will not serve unaccompanied tours.
Are special education needs always considered in the military personnel assignment process?
Special education needs are only considered in assignments outside the United States. Assignments within the continental United States and Trust Territories are not based on the educational needs of children. All local school systems must obey public laws regarding the provisions of special education.
Web Resources
Click the tab labeled “Health and Relationships”; select “Special Needs” where you will find resources, articles and other information. Military OneSource also provides consultations up to 12 times a year with a Consultant who will assess family needs and answer questions on many subjects. To schedule a consultation, call (800) 342-9647.
The Department of Defense website has wonderful information to support families managing a military career and family special needs. Select “Service Providers & Leaders” on the top and then “EFMP/Special Needs”. EFMP-FS can provide additional website information.
EFMP & Me Leaders:
Support EFMP families in your command.
EFMP Contact Information
- Please call (310) 653-5536 to make an appointment.
- Email us: ssc.laafb.efmpfamilysupport@spaceforce.mil