Welcome to Los Angeles Air Force Base. We are YOUR Military & Family Readiness Center!
Our consultants here can assist you with getting settled into the area, need information on local school options, want to create a moving budget and moving plan, as well as assisting you with lowering your stress associated with your PCS.
This page will provide you with helpful information to make your move go smoothly. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, don’t hesitate to give us a call.
- Educational Programs & The Los Angeles Area Schools
- Moving Overview
- Location, Home Buying, On Base Housing
- Banking
- Local Rental Websites
- Financial Preparedness
- Military Member Housing Allowance Calculator
- Work Life Websites
Educational Programs and the Los Angeles Area Schools information
Moving Overview
To view information on any DoD installation worldwide, you can go to MILITARY ONESOURCE, select INSTALLATIONS, pull up detailed, official information compiled by the installation’s Family Center professionals.
- For information on Los Angeles AFB
- Online tools for taking charge of your move, to include
- A personal moving calendar
- A “to do” list
- And key phone number list
- Build your own relocation financial plan with this online budget planning tool
- Relocation information just for kids
- Create a personalized plan & calendar with MilitaryHomefront’s on-line tool
Location, Location, Location
Another factor is your plans for buying a home or renting. Housing costs in the Los Angeles area may be higher than at your current location, but as with anywhere, your choice of location is directly tied to your lifestyle, commute and links to what schools your children will attend:
Home Buying
What do you need to consider when buying while active duty? Check out www.kiplinger.com and download their military home buying package. Also, check with your bank, insurance company, or with a realtor to see if they offer any special programs or discounts from military buyers.
For instance, one major military credit union offers a Mover’s Advantage program making you eligible for cash back of up to $3,100 when selling a home at your old location or purchasing a home at your new location through their program. Another offers you a guaranteed closing date. If the date is missed, they’ll make out a check, equal to your monthly mortgage payment, to the charity or non-profit of your choice. Many boast 24/7 account access, an important feature during a move.
If you are a military member SELLING a home as you PCS, and you purchased or contacted the purchase of the home prior to 1 July 2006, you may be eligible for DoD’s Expanded Homeowner’s Assistance Program.
Check your bank’s website to see if they have locations in El Segundo or the Los Angeles area. There are a lot of options if you are interested in rentals – often friends or coworkers in the area can give you information on properties they know of that are military-owned rentals, or give you the name of a realtor who specialized in military relocations & rentals.
On Base Housing – www.tierra-vista.com
Los Angeles Air Force Base boasts one of the most beautiful housing areas in the Air Force. Located in San Pedro, approx. 15-20 miles from LAAFB in El Segundo, housing boasts beautifully maintained grounds, numerous quality of life and recreational amenities, the security of “gated” living AND some units have views of Cabrillo Marina or the Pacific Ocean! Managed for the Air Force by Tierra Vista Land Leasing and they have an office at Fort MacArthur adjacent to the Housing Office.
Military Specific Housing Office
The Housing Office is a great resource and can assist you in assessing your needs. They have private housing listings for the area and can pull information from their databases to help you get started on your search for the perfect rental property. Their office is located at Fort MacArthur, adjacent to the Tierra Vista Leasing Office.
To check out some online resources, an official resource is www.ahrn.com.
Another popular website used by military owners to list properties for sale or for rent is: www.militarybyowner.com
Local Rental Websites
These websites are very popular with renters and landlords alike and can make your search a lot easier. South Bay Rental – www.southbayrental.com
For a fee of approx. $60, you’ll get instant access to an extensive array of rentals in the South Bay area. In addition to e-mails, you can also sign up to get immediate messages sent to your smart phone too. (Keep your receipt for your moving expenses file for next year’s taxes as an UN-reimbursed moving expense)
West Side Rentals – www.westsiderentals.com For a dollar a day, $30 a month, you’ll get access to this database of rentals.
Financial Preparedness
There is no question, moving can cost money! As a military member or DoD Civilian, some of your costs may be reimbursed, however, there are always out-of-pocket expenses. Here are some quick pointers that you may find helpful:
It is wise to keep a detailed log of moving expenses, both for filing PCS vouchers and to claim for UN-reimbursed moving expenses through the IRS. Remember, if you are a member of the armed forces and your move was due to a permanent change of station, you do not have to satisfy the “distance or time tests”. Click here for more detailed information on IRS moving deductions. Moving expenses are figured on Form 3903 (PDF) and deducted as an adjustment to income on Form 1040 (PDF). (You cannot deduct any moving expenses that are/were reimbursed by DoD or your Agency.)
DoD Civilians
Your salary includes a locality adjustment to partially compensate you for living in the Greater Los Angeles area. www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/salaries-wages/
Allowance Calculators
Military Members Housing Allowance. Calculate your housing allowance using the base zip code, 90245 www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm
Military Dislocation Allowance
The purpose of DLA is to partially reimburse a member, with or without dependents, for the expenses incurred in relocating the member’s household on a PCS, housing moves ordered for the Government’s convenience, or incident to an evacuation. This allowance is in addition to all other allowances authorized in this Joint Federal Travel Regulations (JFTR) and may be paid in advance. For MORE INFORMATION SEE DLA FAQs.
Military COLA
Calculate your Cost of Living Allowance using the base zip code, 90245.
Work Life Websites
- Military One Source 24/7: www.militaryonesource.mil
- Federal Job Information: www.usajobs.gov
- NAF Jobs: www.nafjobs.org
- Military Moves: www.militaryhomefront.com
- Wounded Warriors: www.woundedwarrior.af.mil
- Los Angeles School District: www.lausd.net
- El Segundo School District: www.elsegundousd.net
- Wiseburn School District: www.wiseburn.k12.ca.us